News and Announcements

Swim families,

There is a Black Friday sale tomorrow and Saturday at the Swim and Fitness Shop at the NAC. Hours are 10 am to 4 pm. Discounts on regular priced items and sale items with door crasher specials as well.

The manager Shari also said that Team Aquatic is having a Cyber Monday online sale on, you guessed it, Monday!

This may be a good time to get your swimmer some extra googles or some early Xmas gifts!


A reminder that the Cinnamon Bun Fun Run starts at 9:30 am sharp outside the Frank Jameson Community Centre (FJCC) in Ladysmith. Remember to bring 5 non-perishable goods in order to pick up your race bib. Due to the event being sold out, we encourage you to arrive by 8:45 to find parking and get your race bib. Look for coaches Michelle Lorusso,Gareth Saunders and Byron Trajan if you have any questions or would like to warm up with a group!

Wear your White Rapids gear and see you on Sunday!

NWRSC Coaches

The Nanaimo White Rapids are now accepting applications for* Senior and Junior coaching positions* for the upcoming 2015 season.

Senior coaches are responsible fo:r coaching their own groups; working closely with the Head & Associate Head coaches (Gareth Saunders and Byron Trajan; showing leadership and mentorship towards junior and dev. coaches; be role models and team leaders to our club members; and have a great passion towards swimming and club culture.

Junior coaches are also responsible for: coaching their own groups; working together with all Senior coaching staff; able to learn and receive knowledge from staff members; show leadership and mentorship to dev. coaches; be role models and team leaders to our club members; and also have a great passion towards swimming and club culture.

If you are interestedin these positions, please send a resume and cover letter to the Coach Selection Committee c/o Don Goodman (email address:**)

Applications are to be received before midnight on Dec. 12th. We will be following with interviews leading up to the holiday season.

Thank you,

Swim families,

Just a reminder that due to the later start for Fall maintenance, the Fall session goes to Wednesday, December 17 and Friday, December 19.

The Winter session begins Wednesday, January 14 and Friday, January 16. Thank you to those who have already signed up and paid.

If you are currently in the Fall session and you have not yet confirmed or paid for the Winter session, please contact Leah Johnson ( as soon as possible.

Thank you,
Leah Johnson

Post Author Picture

Kin Pool Manager

Posted by Nanaimo White Rapids Swim Club at Nov 23, 2014 9:23AM PST ( 0 Comments )

The Pool Opps Committee is accepting applications for the position of Kin Pool Manager.

The job description is attached to this email, and uploaded to the " Documents " section on Teampages.

The deadline for all applications is Friday December 5, 2014

Pool Opps Committee

The document Kin Pool Manager was attached to this post.